24. maj do 15. junij 2019
Slovenska umetnica Špela Petrič je pred kratkim na Ars Electronici v Linzu prejela nagrado Award of Distinction v kategoriji 'Artificial Intelligence and Life Art' za njeno delo Soočanja z rastlinskim Drugim (povezava). Iskrene čestitke!

With her triptych Confronting Vegetal Otherness, Špela Petrič demonstrates continued and conceptually multi-facetted work to address bio-semiotic relationships with the plant world, and to call for the enlarging of the human sensorium via plantamorphization. Translating her long-term involvement with the plant kingdom at different scales both in time and space, Petrič poetically stages human-plant kinship and co-performativity from the molecular to the ecological realm, via different vectors of communication from hormones to light. Her work systematically challenges the idea that sign processes carried out symbolically by humans are per se superior to other processes that play a crucial role in information and interpretation processes among living entities at large. In the quest of a process of ‘intercognition,’ Petrič explores material rather than language-based ways of physico-chemical exchange, while viscerally engaging audiences in the exploration of vegetal qualities crucial for human survival, and advertising a philosophical attitude of ‘becoming plant’ as eco-systemic intelligence.

Foto: Špela Petrič

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